Poem Portrait

Turn Your Selfie Into ‘Poem Portrait’ With This Google AI Technology

Artificial Intelligence is the future of the technological world, and we are already seeing the different aspects of it in our devices. It has evolved a lot through this decade, and even smartphones have the features and hardware that are dependent on AI. Earlier, it was limited to the science and technology related to the robotics area but with time every person in the world can now use artificial intelligence for various purposes. Now, Google has come up with new development in AI technology with PoemPortrait. The AI can be used to create poem portraits with you entering a word of your choice, as with that word the AI would generate the poem.

So, the steps are that simple: take a selfie, and then give a word to the AI and the rest would be done with the technology. That one word would be expanded into a poem like the AI-driven phrase generators. Like if you give the word technology then it gives phrases like, “The technology of those who have drawn our lives, was the first moon upon the waves.” So, the AI gives a nice filter, as well as beautiful poetry on the picture. The text that gets generated on the face of the person would look like it is being projected there. You can access the web application with this link PoemPortraits, and then you will read something like “An experiment at the boundaries of AI and human collaboration. Donate a word to become part of an ever-evolving collective poem and create your own POEMPORTRAIT.”

Then you have to click Begin, enter a word, and click donate, in the next picture you have to click a selfie, and voila you have your picture with the poetry ready. The picture really becomes better with the filter, and the poem and this AI are all about that only. The AI has been trained for nineteenth-century poetry, and the pictures would be a recreation of all the images that have been from DevianArt circa 2002. We can see POEMPORTRAITS by Es Devlin and Google Arts & Culture written on all of the images that get generated through the AI. The original lines of poetry are generated through AI that gives a meaningful sentence, and that is a really fascinating thing.

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