Whether it be the official documents or some report the requirement of PDF file format has increased a lot lately. The reason for the popularity of the PDF format is that you retain the quality, the text format, and you cannot edit the content. You cannot write things directly into the Adobe Reader, it is just for reading the document. The document is made in Microsoft Word, or other writing applications and then is saved as PDF so that the content is intact, and the receiver cannot exploit it. Even if the fonts are not there at the receiver’s end, nothing changes in the PDF file.
And that is the reason PDF is highly used, and the compression is also good when it gets converted. We do know how to convert word files to PDF, but when it comes to converting a web page to PDF it needs software on the PC or an add-on in the browser. But these are the ways to do it on the computer, what if we are using the phone? Well, it is easier than anything to save a web page in Google Chrome for Android. We use the phone more nowadays so it is important to know the way to do it.
Open Google Chrome.
Open the web page that you need to save.
Tap on the three dots at the upper right corner of the browser.
Tap on Share.
Tap on Print, and select Save as PDF.
Tap on the PDF icon.
That’s it, the steps are done and the PDF has been saved to your device. You are ready to share it with the people who need the document. The steps take less than a minute, and that how easy it is.