Surfing the web, and found something interesting? No need to open another app for noting it down

There are times when we see something interesting on the web and want to save it to the device. For writing, or pasting some stuff from the Internet we have to open one of the text editors like Notepad, WordPad, or MS Word but what if there was no requirement of opening any of the other applications for noting down and saving the stuff? Well, it is quite easy for you to write down whatever you wish to write and save it from the browser only. And for that functionality, you do not even need to install any of the add-ons, you just have to write a small URL in the address bar.

You just have to write “ data:text/html, <html contenteditable> ” in the address bar without any of the inverted commas and that is all. There is your ‘browser notepad’ ready for you to write anything and save. The only thing that you need to keep in mind while saving is that you will have to change the extension from .html to .txt or change the save type to text files from the HTML page. Even if you keep it to .html, the document would be saved but it will open in the browser instead of Notepad. So, it will not be editable content and that is why you should prefer saving it with the text file format.

As you type the mentioned URL, and press enter you will get a blank tab with the option of writing like a notepad. It is really easy, saves a bit of time, and memory of the device. This trick works in all of the browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc, and on any of the platforms. Next time when you find something interesting, you should definitely note it using this method, and then save it. Try it, and then let us know in the comments section how useful it was for you.

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